In my opinion, life is just like a novel; it has a protagonist, and several other characters, there are various plots and sub-plots and it is also divided into chapters. Last May, I finished another chapter in my life, college. As a freshman, it seemed like an eternity but graduation quickly dissolved into reality.
Over the past four years, I have learned to adapt to a foreign culture and struggle to become independent. I was fortunate enough to have my whole family attend my graduation. These are the few times in life when the MasterCard commercial says it best, "priceless."
The years have provided me with invaluable lessons; lessons that I believe have helped me become a better person. Among the many lessons learned, there were three that stood by me throughout the years.
The first lesson I learned is patience. Patience is a virtue not easily learned. In fact, I am still practicing it everyday. Patience is the foundation of discipline, without it we can easily loose our focus.
The second lesson I learned is sacrifice. Life is filled with trade-offs; should I go to the party or study for my exam? Should I get the green or blue shirt? The outcome of these decisions bears a corresponding consequence. Often times I realized that the decisions that require the most sacrifice are often the most rewarding. Without sacrifice, the good cannot taste great.
Lastly, the most important lesson I learned is responsibility. I was fortunate enough to be given a lot of freedom, however, this freedom was the outcome of the trust my parents had in me. I earned this trust because I took full responsibility to all my actions. This prevented me from compromising the trust in any way, I was responsible enough to make the right decisions.

Naturally, as the college chapter in my life concluded, another chapter began. Last October, I was offered a position in QuinStreet, a marketing firm in San Mateo. This would officially be my first full time job. Entering the workforce is an exciting part of my life. It teaches me the importance of making a difference in not just my life but for others.
Three months later, I find myself writing this blog and reminiscing about this wonderful year. Although my girlfriend, Janine, and I skipped Christmas in the Philippines, I am certain we shall all enjoy the holidays. I wish my family all the best and anxiously look forward to the New Year.
Happy holidays.
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